Thursday 13 July 2017

How To Lose Weight Fast : Burning Your Calories

If you are overweight you will realize that in order to lose weight you cannot maintain your current eating diet.  Continuing to eat sugary snacks, cakes, sweets and in general too much food will make it impossible to lose weight.  Achieving weight loss does not have to completely erase luxury foods from the diet, but include much less of them and to replace them with healthy alternatives.

How To Lose Weight Fast : Burning Your Calories

Weight loss can be achieved by using up existing stores of fat rather than using up new stores of fat, which can result in a vicious cycle.  Once the existing fat stores have been used as energy then there will be less fat to replace with, so fat stores will decrease.

Calories are units of energy. Various definitions exist but fall into two broad categories. The small calorie or gram calorie (symbol: cal) is the approximate amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at a pressure of one atmosphere.

It is important not to go from eating vast quantities to eating virtually nothing.  Eating less than 1500 calories per day is not at all recommended, since the effects can lead to weakness, illness and weight fluctuations.  To lose weight healthily, there are no immediate fixes.  Persistence and sensible eating selections are the two primary attributes to a successful weight loss program.  By eating 300-500 less calories per day, one or two pounds should be lost per week - which may sound like slow progress, but it does equate to 3 stone per year, for only a small adjustment.

Out of all the food types, it is no surprise that fat contains the most calories, so cutting down heavily on fat intake will make losing 300-500 calories per day, quicker.  Instead of fatty foods try to eat more fruit and vegetable and wholegrain bread.

➥ Here are a few tips to alter your diet, to help towards your 300-500 calorie less per day target.

  • Have reduced portions of food you like
  • Reduce alcohol consumption
  • Erase unhealthy snacks from your diet including, but not limited to, sugary biscuits, crisps and candy
  • At dinner time, avoid second helpings
  • Use water as a replacement to sugar drinks
  • Omit sugar from hot drinks
  • Switch to semi-skimmed milk from whole milk or semi-skimmed for skimmed
  • Reduce the quantity that you eat at lunch time.  Prepare your own sandwich allowing you to control the amount of butter and mayonnaise used

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