Thursday 13 July 2017

How To Lose Weight Fast : Importance of Breakfast

Why is breakfast important?  

Not everyone enjoys breakfast.  There are many people who prefer not to eat breakfast at all, whereas others have a full-blown meal to start the day. But just how important is breakfast?

Breakfast is very important and many negative consequences are attached to missing out breakfast from your daily routine. When you are planning to lose weight it is even more imperative to eat breakfast daily, and not skip breakfast on the false theory that not eating will allow you to lose weight. Skipping breakfast has proven to have a damaging effect on dietary accomplishments later in the day.

How To Lose Weight Fast : Importance of Breakfast

A healthy breakfast acts as our body’s fuel allowing our blood sugar to be replenished, acting as a source of energy. By omitting breakfast from your diet, you relinquish between 300-400 calories which equates to losing over a pound per 10 days.

This all sounds well for those seeking to lose weight, but the body recognises that it is being deprived of its morning fuel and finds alternate ways to fuel itself. If the body has not been fuelled for 5-6 hours but is still physically active, then it slows down your metabolism in response.

So by eating, you actually increase your metabolism, and by having a proper healthy breakfast your metabolism is kept high from the very beginning of the day.

Research has shown that on those days that breakfast is eaten, women have greater amounts of calcium and fiber — both of these nutrients are associated with successful weight loss campaigns. There has also been a link identified with breakfast and improved cognitive skills, leading to better grades in children and better moods.

Benefits of Breakfast

Evidence suggests that a healthy breakfast improves your physical and mental health status. Those who take breakfast regularly are more likely to achieve the following benefits of breakfast;

1. Control Weight. 

There are numerous ideologies about this one. It could be that eating breakfast reduces hunger at later points in the day, or to select less dense foods as later meals. It has also been suggested that those who eat breakfast on a regular basis generally implement a low fat-diet.

2. Increase Strength and Endurance. 

Higher energy levels lead to more physical activity, which can consequently result in faster weight loss.

3. Improve Concentration and Productiveness. 

As mentioned before, this has been linked to the replenishment of glucose.

4. Reduce Risk of Heart Trouble. 

Those who eat breakfast, intake less cholesterol than those who avoid breakfast, reducing the likelihood of heart problems.

5. Increase Minerals and Vitamins, Less Fat. 

Studies claim that eating breakfast has a direct affect on us to select positive nutrients throughout the remainder of the day.

Recommended Breakfast Diet

Breakfast is important for all age groups, but particularly so in children and adolescents. Research from the American Dietetic Association indicates that children who eat breakfast are more likely to have better problem-solving skills, concentration, and hand-eye co-ordination. Breakfast has also been heavily linked with levels of alertness and willingness to learn and express a creative side.

➥So what does the recommended breakfast consist of? Here are a few recommendations to point you in the correct direction.

  • Fruits and Vegetables - Fresh, whole fruits and vegetables or 100% pure fruit juice.
  • Grains - Whole grain rolls, whole grain cereals and low fat bran muffins.
  • Dairy - Skimmed milk, low fat yoghurts and natural cheeses.
  • Protein - Hard boiled eggs, fish, lean slices of meat and peanut butter.

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